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Farrow Laing 2019 (Stellenbosch)

Updated: Apr 30, 2020



Farrow Laing, Stellenbosch is undoubtedly laid my foundation for the Quantity Surveying profession. This is where my interest in Quantity Surveying began. About a year later I decided to spend a week at Farrow Laing, gaining work experience in the field. The Daily Blog below details the activities in which I partook during this week.


Daily Blog

1 July 2019:

Updated the drawing register.

Accompanied the MD in a meeting with an architect, where a new walkway had to be built in an conservation area.

2 July 2019:

Sat in for a 1st design team meeting.

Had an introduction to the process of producing a priced BOQ.

3 July 2019:

Helped to complete a tender adjudication and recommendation document.

Tender pre-qualification summary and how it is set up.

4 July 2019:

Went to a site meeting for a residential house where CI (Contract Instruction) where discussed. Helped complete the 10th progress report for the previously mentioned residential house.

5 July 2019:

Updated and set up the meeting minutes for the next site meeting for the residential house visited the previous day.

Sat in on a presentation where the director and a senior QS presented a P&L document to a client.


Letter of Employment

Note: for PDF versions of documentation see Report tab

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