It was exhilarating being back at Farrow Laing Stellenbosch, applying new knowledge, taking on bigger tasks and learning about my future industry in abundance. My 2020 Practical Training at Farrow Laing took place from 25 January 2021 to 19 February 2021 totaling 20 working days. For more detail please read below.
Farrow Laing Logbook Jan 2021:
25 Jan:
Checking bending schedules
26 Jan:
Checking and totalling bending schedules
27 Jan:
Comparing bending schedules to BOQ and identifying problem areas.
28 Jan:
Measured structural steel using DimX
29 Jan:
Export DimX data to excel and intro to WinQS
1 Feb:
WinQS training and familiarisation
2 Feb:
Bending schedule recon and measure floor finishes in DimX
3 Feb:
Measure floor finishes and doors in DimX
4 Feb:
Measure floor finishes and doors in DimX
5 Feb:
Bending schedule recon
8 Feb:
Claim to valuation comparison and identifying potential problem areas.
Bending schedule recon
9 Feb:
Remeasure floor finishes for final account and import into WinQS
10 Feb:
Creating a BOQ and EE in WinQs and linking DimX data to WinQS
11 Feb:
Creating a BOQ and EE in WinQs and linking DimX data to WinQS
12 Feb:
Aluminium measurement recon.
15 Feb:
Organising and updating drawing register and updating aluminium bill.
16 Feb:
Prepping sub-contract final account.
17 Feb:
Preparing a final account statement
18 Feb:
1st Site meeting for a new development and bending schedule recon.
19 Feb:
Research the dynamics, materials, methods and cost associated with maintenance of squash courts. Preparing final account statement.