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Updated: Jan 30, 2021

Employed as a tutor at the University of Cape Town during 2020.

During the second semester of 2020 I tutored CON1004W or Construction Technology 1 for first year Construction, Economics and Management students.


Daily Logbook :

Typically tutoring duties would include online interaction with students, marking of assignments, giving feedback to students and liaising with course convenors to improve the tutoring and learning experience for the students.

Online interaction included Vula forums, e-mails and Whatsapp video explanations. After assignments were marked, the marks were uploaded to vula with valuable feedback. The marks would then be added to external spreadsheets for admin use. After marks are received by students the online sessions are used to give feedback and explain course material that was not understood by students.

A typical monthly logbook is attached below:

Typical Monthly Logbook


Employers Letter

Note: for PDF versions of documentation see Report tab

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